Checklist File Format

The checklist file format is an XML format that specifies the steps required to complete a single job.

Let's imagine we have an simple isolation procedure for shutting off a drive.

It's broken into five steps…

  • Confirm asset identity
  • Check the drive enclosure for warnings or notices before proceeding.
  • Turn the rotary switch handle
  • Lock the switch.
  • Follow the diagram.

Starting Out

To create a checklist for this job, we first create a Isolation Checklist.checklist file in your choice of text editor (we suggest Notepad++ on Windows, or JED on Linux).

Now, we fill in the basic XML elements….

  <name>Isolate [NAME]</name>

The 'job' element is our XML document - it describes a single job.

The 'name' attribute gives this particular checklist a name. Here, we are using property substitution so that [NAME] is automatically replaced with the name of the asset.

Adding Steps

Now we can map out our three steps, inside the 'job' element…

	<name>Confirm Identity</name>		
	<desc>Confirm the nameplate shows the correct ID - [ERN].</desc>
	<name>Check for Warnings</name>		
	<desc>Check the [ERN] drive enclosure for any details or notices about problems with the drive.</desc>
	<name>Open VSD Circuit Breaker</name>		
	<desc>Shut off the large rotary switch on the drive cabinet.</desc>				
	<name>Lock Off</name>		
	<desc>Lock off the circuit breaker to ensure your safety when working in the apartment. Remember to remove your lock at the end of the job.</desc>				

We've now created steps that the user can go through - each has a name and a description.

However, we can do more with these checklist steps.

Attaching an Asset

Some steps will require the user to interact with other, nearby assets. This is very common in isolations.

By adding an asset element, we can specify which asset a step refers to.

<asset>Elevator Drive</asset>

You can use an asset name or ERN to specify the relationship.

This will allow users to see what the asset is, where it is and what it's currently doing.

Confirming Step Completion

ARDI has access to live information.

This means that we can prevent users from checking off items when we have live measurements that indicate the system status is not where it should be.

For example, we can ensure pressure drops to zero on a pressure transmitter before we allow users to confirm that they have turned the isolation valve.

We can also make a 'wait' step and ensure that the system is in a stable state before allowing users to proceed, which may be required for complex manual startup procedures.

	<asset>Elevator Drive</asset>
	<property>Power Usage</property>
	<safezone comparison="less" value="0.1"/>

The Confirm element lets the checklist system know you'd like to confirm the state of an asset before proceeding.

You need to specify three things for a confirmation…

  • The name or ERN of the asset,
  • The property you want to monitor (property element), or the name of the alert you want to check (alert element), and
  • The target values (or 'safe zone') you are looking for.
lessThe property must be less than value to proceed
moreThe property must be more than value to proceed
equalThe property must be exactly equal to value to proceed
insideThe property must be greater than or equal to low, and less than or equal to high
outsideThe property must be less than or equal to low, or greater than or equal to high

So the combination of the three confirm properties above indicates that we aren't able to proceed unless the Power Usage of the Elevator Drive is less than 0.1.

You can also include the allow tag, which means that the value of the property won't prevent users from continuing the checklist.

And finally, you can add a name tag, which allows you to record the value - it will then be sent with all of the other checklist submission information.

	<asset>Elevator Drive</asset>
	<property>Power Usage</property>
	<safezone comparison="less" value="0.1"/>
        <allow />

Including Photographic Evidence

You might want the user to contribute photographic evidence that a task has been completely successfully - this can be extremely handy when you need to confirm that a safety-critical step has been done.

Adding the photolock property to a step requests that the user submits a photograph from their mobile device, proving the step has been done.

In this case, we are going to add a photolock to the 'Lock Off' step. This way the users must send a photograph (which will also include timestamp and rough location information) to confirm that they have successfully locked off the power supply.

Including Media

In some cases, you'd like to display a photo, a video or refer someone to complete documentation on how to perform a task.

You can use the media tag to do this.

Simply enclose the name of the media item from the asset.

For example, if you had a video file called Drive Inspection Process on the drive asset in ARDI, you could add the following…

<media>Drive Inspection Process</media>

Note that this does not include the file extension of the media file.

User Input

Some steps need user feedback - often measurements, comments or feedback about the condition of the equipment.

You can use the input tag to add a step that requests input from the user.

The input tag has several possible attributes…

TypeCan be text, memo, choice, number or select“text”
NameThe name of the inputnone
OptionsUsed only when the type is 'choice' or 'select'. An vertical-bar delimited list of options the user can choose fromnone
RequiredUsed to tell the system that a particular value is required to proceed. If this isn't set, the input is optional. If it's set to any value, it's treated as required..none

Below you'll find a couple of examples…

<input name="temperature" type="text"/>

Adds an input field that the user can type free-form text into.

<input name="comment" type="memo"/>

Adds a large text area that the user can type multi-line information into

<input name="condition" type="select" options="Good|OK|Bad|Damaged|Missing" required="yes"/>

Adds a drop-list of possible options for the condition of the asset. An option must be selected to continue the checksheet.

<input name="condition" type="choice" options="Good|OK|Bad|Damaged|Missing"/>

Adds a set of buttons - choosing one will automatically complete the step.

The Completed File

	<name>Isolate Power to [NAME]</name>
		<name>Confirm Identity</name>		
		<desc>Confirm the nameplate shows the correct ID - [ERN].</desc>
		<name>Check for Warnings</name>		
		<desc>Check the [ERN] drive enclosure for any details or notices about problems with the drive.</desc>
		<name>Review Condition</name>		
		<desc>Check the condition of the [ERN] - does it show signs of damage, loose connections or any other issues that need attention? Rate the condition below.</desc>
                <input type="select" name="condition" options="Good|OK|Dirty|Damaged|Missing" required="yes"/>
		<name>Open VSD Circuit Breaker</name>
		<asset>Elevator Drive</asset>
		<desc>Shut off the large rotary switch on the drive cabinet.</desc>		
			<asset>Elevator Drive</asset>
			<property>Power Usage</property>
			<safezone comparison="less" value="0.1"/>
		<name>Lock Off and Photograph</name>		
		<desc>Lock off the circuit breaker to ensure your safety when working in the apartment. Remember to remove your lock at the end of the job.</desc>		
		<name>Follow Diagram</name>		
		<desc>Follow the process shown in the diagram below to complete your inspection.</desc>		
		<media>Drive Inspection Process</media>