Simple Line Chart

A Line Chart report is used to show a value as it changes over another - with that other axis usually being time.

In most cases, bar charts are the preferred option if your x axis is something other than time.

An example can be found in the Wind Farm Wind Speed Display.

Note that the example below doesn't include interactivity. See the Interactive Line Chart example to see how interactivity is added.



You should replace the following…

ElementReplace With
[ASSET]The name of the asset to display
[PROPERTY]The name of the property you want to report on
[PLACES]The maximum decimal places to show
[UNITS]The measurement units
class ActiveReport extends SVGReport {
	initialise() {
		super.initialise(); = '[PROPERTY]';
	create() {
		this.singleQueryReport("'[ASSET]' ASSET '" + + "' PROPERTY VALUES {\"grain\": -2000,%%} GETHISTORY");		
	draw(data) {
		//Get the SVG and sizing
		var height = this.sizing[1];
		var width = this.sizing[0];
		//Calculate the min and max across all channels
		var xextent = d3.extent(data,d => d[0]);
		var yextent = d3.extent(data,d => d[1]);
		for(var q=0;q<this.columns.length;q++)
			var ex = d3.extent(data,d => d[q+1]);
			if (ex[0] < yextent[0])
				yextent[0] = ex[0];
			if (ex[1] > yextent[1])
				yextent[1] = ex[1];
		//Add a small buffer to the Y axis to add some padding
		var yspan = (yextent[1] - yextent[0]) * 0.08;
		if (yextent[0] != 0)
			yextent[0] -= yspan;
		if (yextent[1] != 0)
			yextent[1] += yspan;
		//Calculate the margin for the report
		var margin = {top:, left: 40,right: 20,bottom: 50};
		var svgbase = this.svgbase;
		var svg = svgbase;		
		//Create the X and Y axes
		var x = d3.scaleTime().domain(xextent).rangeRound([margin.left, width - margin.right]);
		var y = d3.scaleLinear().domain(yextent).rangeRound([height - margin.bottom,]);
		//Create an appropriate tick format
		var xTickFormat = x.tickFormat(null, "%H:%M, %-d %b %Y");
		var yTickFormat = y.tickFormat(100,null);
		//Draw a set of axes
		this.drawAxisSet(x,y,"Time","[PROPERTY] ([UNITS])",margin.left,margin.right,width,height,"main");		
		//Draw each of the lines
		for(var vx=1;vx<data[0].length;vx++)
			  .attr("fill", "none")
			  .attr("stroke", this.getSequenceColour(vx-1))
			  .attr("stroke-width", 2)
			  .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round")
			  .attr("stroke-linecap", "round")
			  .attr("d", d3.line()
			.x(d => x(d[0]))
			.y(d => y(d[vx]))
			.defined(d => { if (isNaN(d[1])) return false; return true; } ))