The Report Page

The Report Page allows you to access a single report.


There are several sections to this page.

Most Recent

The preview of the most recent report can be found at the top (top-left) of the page.

This is a snapshot of the most recent version of the report. Click this preview to be taken to the full file (ie. the PDF file or MP4 video).

Custom Range

You can use the date/time controls in the top right (or below the preview on mobile devices) to generate a custom range report.

This builds a unique report for the chosen date and time range, allowing you to zoom in or out on data.

Please note that reports are often designed with a particular time-resolution in mind. Running a weekly or monthly report on a single day will often produce a very poor quality result, and running a 12 hour report on a full month might take a significant amount of time to run.

AI Training (Optional)


This option only appears on certain reports. By providing feedback on if the report looks 'normal' (ie. all of the KPI values shown represent your process running in a normal way), the system will learn what unusual/abnormal reports look like. These can then be highlighted by the reporting system.

Previous Reports

The reporting system keeps copies of previous reports - by default, the last 14 reports generated by the system. You can quickly access these from the list.

Going Back

You can return to the report list by pressing Back To Report List under the 'Most Recent' preview.