Using the Report List
The Reporting addon gives you access to a range of reports from your ARDI system.
Reports can be distributed a variety of ways, and they can also be accessed directly from your ARDI web server.
Choose Reports from the ARDI sidebar on the left of the page.
Opening a Report
Reports are arranged into folders. These folders split your reports up into topics or areas of interest.
You can open a folder by simply clicking on it - this will open that folder, displaying any sub-folders or reports inside.
You can open a report by clicking on its preview image, which will take you to the Report Page.
Note that a single report can appear in multiple folders (for instance, you might find the 'Daily Summary' report in both the 'Summaries' and the 'Daily' folder).
You can also search for a report using the search bar at the top of the report list. Simply start typing the name of the report you're looking for, and it should appear in the pop-up list below.
Once you've chosen a report, you'll be taken to the Report Page.
Bundles and Subscriptions
Depending on your system, you might also have access to bundles and subscriptions.
Advanced Topics
More advanced users might want to look into Bookmarking Specific Reports, which allows you to click a link that takes you to the most recent version of any particular report.