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Setting a Task Time

To set the time for a task, you'll need to go to Administration|Scheduled Tasks, locate the task you want to edit, and find the Times column.

Click on the time (or the text saying 'Disabled' if the event doesn't have a time) to set up a schedule.

Time Options


You'll be presented with a set of check-boxes for hours, minutes, days-of-the-week and days-of-the-month.

At a minimum, you'll need to specify at least one hour and minute, but you'll be able to refine your details further by selecting multiple different options.

You'll see a summary of your options in the top-left corner of the page (in the example above, it says 02:00:00 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).


Below are some examples of how different options combine…

HourMinuteWeekdayDay of MonthResult
1000NoneNone10:00 AM Every Day
04 & 1430NoneNone4:30AM and 02:30PM Every Day
1200MondayNoneMidday every Monday
1500None13PM on the 1st of Every Month
2200Friday110PM on the 1st Friday of Every Month

Next Steps

Your task is now set up and scheduled to run.

You can make changes, manually execute and check the timing of your task in the task list.