

The AnalogueTint effect applies a colour tint to a 3D model based on an anlogue value, meaning that the colour gets more pronounced as the value reaches given maximum or minimum values.

A similar effect, Tint, is available for Boolean values, such as the status of a motor or valve.

This effect allows you to specify a 'low' and a 'high' colour and value. You can also specify a 'mid' colour as well that should be the colour used when the value is at an ideal point.

Note that if the high & mid or the low & mid values are the same, the system will use the mid colour.



Type: Colour Bindable Default: 0

The value used to determine the colour.

This is almost always set to a property using a Binding Expressions.


Type: Float Bindable Default: 0

The value used to determine the colour.

This is almost always set to a property using a Binding Expressions.


Type: Colour Bindable Default: 1,0,0,1 (red)

This is the colour to display when the value is high (see the maxvalue attribute for more information).


Type: Colour Bindable Default: 1,1,1,1 (white)

This is the colour to display when the value is at an ideal or common point between the values (see the midvalue attribute for more information).

By using white, the asset will appear in its natural colours. This may also often be green.


Type: Colour Bindable Default: 0,0,1,1 (blue)

This is the colour to display when the value is at its lowest (see the minvalue attribute for more information).


Type: Float Bindable Default: 100

This is the value to treat as the 'high' value. When the value attribute approaches this value, the tinting will transition from the MidColour to the HighColour.


Type: Float Bindable Default: 50

This is the value to treat as the 'mid' value. This normally represents the 'expected' or 'OK' state. When the value attribute approaches this value, the tinting will transition from the HighColour or LowColour to the MidColour.


Type: Float Bindable Default: 0

This is the value to treat as the 'low' value. When the value attribute approaches this value, the tinting will transition from the MidColour to the LowColour.


Type: Boolean Bindable Default: true

Enables the effect when the value is '1', disables it when the value is '0'.


<analoguetint amount="[ Level ]" midvalue="0"/>
This asset will be its regular colour when the level is low, but tint more and more red as the level inside it increases.
<analoguetint amount="[ Level:%:0:100 ]" midvalue="0" midcolour="0,1,0,1"/>
Similar to the above, but the level is converted into a percentage, and the tank is now green when the level is low and red when the level is high.
<analoguetint amount="[ Pressure ]" lowvalue="400" midvalue="650" highvalue="900"/>
In this case, the asset is blue when the value is lower than 400, looks normal at around 650 and is red at 900. This effect may be common on pneumatic system components.