Importing Data Bindings

The fastest way to begin importing data bindings is to export your existing ones. This will then include each of the columns you need to import data back into your ARDI system.

File Structure

The data binding import file is a CSV (comma-delimited) file containing one row of data for each property you want to link to live data.


Several columns are required….

Column NameMeaning
ERNThe Equipment Resource Number for your asset. If you don't use ERNs, leave this column blank.
NameThe human-readable name for your asset. If you've supplied an ERN, this name isn't required (although the column itself still is).
TypeThe type of data binding (Property or Alert)
Property/NameThe name of the property or the alert
Node/IDThe name of the node, or ID number of the alert. This can usually be left blank, but the column is required
Actual Live SourceThe data-source for your live data
Actual Live AddressThe address to bind the property or alert to
Actual Live TransformThe transformation to apply to the incoming data (often left blank)

And for each context, you'll need to repeat those last three columns. At a minimum. you'll need the values below.

Actual History SourceThe data-source for your live data
Actual History AddressThe address to bind the property or alert to
Actual History TransformThe transformation to apply to the incoming data (often left blank)


Below is an example linking the an oven temperature to a point found in OSI Pi.

This row tells ARDI that we want to change the data bindings for the Temperature Property of the asset with the ERN ABC-001.

We want both the live value and this history to come from the PI Server, at address Ovens\001\Temperature.