
ARDI is available under two major platforms - Ubuntu Linux and Windows.

Other versions of Linux such as Red Hat, Amazon Linux and Raspbian are also tentatively supported, but the installer scrips aren't kept as up-to-date as those for Ubuntu.

No matter which platform you choose, we suggest running ARDI on a dedicated server or virtual machine.

ARDI is not currently available as a container, as it has a variety of services and creates a range of network ports that vary from application to application.

Windows Installation

You can download the ARDI server installer from

Once installation is complete, the setup process is identical to the one for Ubuntu - visit http://localhost to visit the ARDI web site. Take a look at the installation video below and skip to the licensing section at 2:22 for instructions on how to activate ARDI.

Installation: Windows

Linux Installation

For low-cost setup and easy maintenance, we suggest using the latest LTS version of Ubuntu Server. LTS versions usually end with a .04, such as the 2022 version, 22.04. Ubuntu is free, popular, extremely stable and supported by major VPS cloud hosting providers such as Amazon AWS and Digital Ocean.

We provide installer scripts to make installation of ARDI on a new Linux system extremely straight-forward. In fact, it only takes two commands to get your basic ARDI server up and running.

An example of the full process of installing ARDI on a cloud-based server (which is almost identical to an on-premises server, apart from the need to install Ubuntu) is in the video below…

Installation: Linux