Modbus/TCP Output

This addon makes specific properties available via the industrial protocol Modbus/TCP.


Unfortunately, Modbus/TCP is a very basic protocol designed primarily around older programmable logic controllers, so you will need to tell ARDI how to 'map' your data onto the Modbus address space.

Note that this section assumes you're familiar with the basics of Modbus

To add a mapping, first choose the ARDI asset that holds the property you want to export. Then from the droplist, choose the property you want to make available.

Finally, select the register, offset and format for your data.

Lets say for example that you wanted to make your vehicle tyre pressure available through Modbus/OPC.

You'd like to make it available on Modbus holding register 0 (address 40000).

To do that, you go to the Administration screen, choose 'Modbus Output Configuration', find the vehicle in the asset list, choose 'Tyre Pressure' from the property list, choose 'Holding Register' from the register drop-down, pick '0' for offset and finally pick a format.


The three most common formats are 'Float', '16 Bit Integer' and 'Scaled 16 Bit Integer'.

Float is a standard IEC floating-point number spread across two registers. IE. the first two bytes of the float are on register 40001, the second on register 40002.

16 Bit Integer simply provides the integer portion of the value. If your asset property has a value of 149.98, the modbus value would be 150.

Scaled 16 Bit Integer provides a bit more resolution by scaling your result between the minimum and maximum values.

In this case, if you had a property that had a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 100, that range would be scaled between 0 and 65535 (the maximum possible value of a 16-bit integer).