Running ARDI on Other Ports

As we always suggest installing ARDI on it's own dedicated virtual machine, we would suggest avoiding this process wherever possible.

But we understand that the ideal situation isn't always possible, so the guide below is provided for those times when you need to install ARDI onto a system with other services that conflict with port 80.

Updating Apache Config Files

ARDI is hosted on Apache, meaning you can change the port it runs on by altering your Apache configuration.

On Windows, you'll find the configuration files at…

C:\Program Files (x86)\Optrix\ARDI\apache\conf\httpd.conf

To change the ARDI port from port 80 to port 85, you'll need to change the following lines…

Listen [::0]:80


Listen [::0]:85

You will then need to restart the Apache service.

Note that existing drivers will need to be restarted (in Administration | Drivers | Restart Drivers). Simply restarting them from Services will not be sufficient - they need to be re-created pointing at the new, correct URL.

Updating Shortcuts

If you plan on using the two pre-installed scripts to remove and install ARDI driver services from the start menu, you'll also need to update the shortcuts to include the new port number.

You'll need to change the link from..

C:\Python27\python.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Optrix\ARDI\Drivers\” localhost* install

to add the port number after 'localhost'.

C:\Python27\python.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Optrix\ARDI\Drivers\” localhost:85* install