Creating An Asset

The easiest place to add an asset to ARDI is to go to the asset diagram of it's hierarchy Parents & Children.

For example, if you're adding an asset that is part of a machine, it's best to go to the location hierarchy, locate the machine, then add it as a child of the machine.

Pressing the '+' button on the right hand side of an asset will add the asset as a new child, leaving all existing children there.

Pressing the '+' button on the left hand side of an asset will insert the asset between this asset and its parent(s).

All you need to do on the diagram page is enter the name of your asset (for example, 'Oil Filter'), then press the 'Add This Asset' link that appears.

You will then be taken to the Asset Creation Page.

When creating assets, it's important to consider our Asset Guidelines.

From an Import

If you need to create a large number of assets quickly, you can consider one of our importers. These imports are quick and easy but do require a little more technical expertise.

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