Asset Creation Page

You create new assets from the Asset Creation Page.

You'll be asked to fill in the most critical pieces of information for your asset. Amongst those are the name, ERN, any identifying properties and (optionally) the description for the asset.

Finally, you'll be able to choose to base this asset from one of your templates, or to assign one or more types.

Press Create Asset to build your new asset.

What Happens Next

If you don't choose a type or template for an asset, ARDI assumes you're creating an organisational asset - you'll be taken straight back to the diagram.

If you've chosen one or more types, you'll taken to the property details page for the asset, to allow you to set any other properties that might need to be added.

If you've chosen to base your asset off a template, you'll be taken to a page where you can fill in additional details, such as what your asset connects to and what the unique identifiers are of any internal components.