
Alerts allow ARDI to notify users of important issues with an asset.

For example, alerts will often indicate that a measurement has exceeded safe levels or that a device is due for maintenance or repair.

Alerts can be viewed, created and removed from the Asset Detail for an asset.


Alerts are extremely useful - they appear highlighted in the Dashboard to indicate possible issues. They also appear in the overall The Alert List.

ARDI also uses its knowledge of the relationships in your system to perform some basic root cause suggestion, which looks at other assets that may be contributing to your issue(s).


Alerts are linked to live and historical data the same way as other properties.

Note that in some cases, your alerts may in fact be coming from an existing alarm system, meaning that you won't be able to add or remove them from ARDI.

In Templates

Unlike properties and media, alerts are not inherited and can not be used in templates.